Monthly Archives: April, 2013

Did you know: Trivial Pursuit

Four random facts of Trivia about Trivial Pursuit:

A Trivial Pursuit playing piece, with all six ...

A Trivial Pursuit playing piece, with all six wedges filled in. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I don’t know if any of these nuggets of knowledge show up in any version of the game, but you never know, maybe you can earn a piece of the pie.

  • Trivial Pursuit is available in 26 different countries in 17 languages.
  • There are 42 different editions of the game.
  • Two journalists invented the game in Canada, eh.
  • Hasbro bought all rights to the game in 2008 for $80 million dollars.
Trivial Pursuit

New editions of the game are always coming out, now through Hasbro. Picture property of Hasbro.

If trivia appeals to you, check out the Trivial Pursuit Facebook page, maybe if we all ban together we can reinstate the daily trivia challenges!

*Trivia on Trivial Pursuit obtained through the New York Times.

Geocaching: the Outdoor Adventure Game

Spring has sprung!

Soon, it will be unbearably hot here in Florida, but for now it is time to spend every waking hour outdoors. In this spirit, today I bring you:


Geocaching is an existing community that hides and seeks containers of various sizes all over the world. These containers are caches. Inside of the caches is usually a log book for anyone who finds that cache to sign and sometimes a small prize or token.

To get started, you need a pair of comfortable shoes, a pen and access to the internet.

Start at, plug-in a zip code and a list of caches in your neighborhood will generate. I highly suggest using the app for iPhone  or android. In the app, you can find nearby caches and it will show you exactly where you are in relation to it on a map.

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Smart Ass: The Game

Smart Ass is a trivia party game. It plays quickly and allows you to find out who is the biggest know it all in your group.

Smart Ass the board game.

Smart Ass the board game.

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Starting a Community Game Group: Interview with Mark Stuart

Ever thought about starting up a board game group in your community, but just didn’t know where to start?

Mark Stuart runs a successful community tabletop group in Gainesville, FL. With the help of, a social networking site that allows people of like interests to find one another, his group has grown to 220 “meetup members” (basically people who show interest) and a solid 12 regular members for game get together. The group has also used Facebook to grow its membership.

In this interview, Mark explains how he began his group, how it has grown over the past several years and gives some advice for others looking to start groups in their own communities. Continue reading →