Category Archives: Interview

Starting a Community Game Group: Interview with Mark Stuart

Ever thought about starting up a board game group in your community, but just didn’t know where to start?

Mark Stuart runs a successful community tabletop group in Gainesville, FL. With the help of, a social networking site that allows people of like interests to find one another, his group has grown to 220 “meetup members” (basically people who show interest) and a solid 12 regular members for game get together. The group has also used Facebook to grow its membership.

In this interview, Mark explains how he began his group, how it has grown over the past several years and gives some advice for others looking to start groups in their own communities. Continue reading →

Board Game Design using Kickstarter: Interview with Tim Rodriguez

This Saturday is International Table Top Day!

In celebration, this is a packed week of posts!

Today, I am thrilled to bring you the brilliant mind of Tim Rodriguez, a Brooklyn based game designer.

I’ve been curious about how independent game designers use crowd funding to finance their games and Tim, who is currently using Kickstarter to fund his newest game “Hyperreality”, was kind enough to sit down and tell me about his experiences with the platform.

Take a listen to our conversation to hear about how Kickstarter helped him bring his first game “Ghost Pirates” to life; his inspiration behind “Hyperreality”; and his advice for other independent game makers out there.

Be sure to check out Hyperreality on Kickstarter and Tim’s Website, and blog,

Also, here’s the link for the store front, Game Salute, that sells Ghost Pirates.